René Descartes´s rules applied to the accounting regulations. Representation of information.


  • Rosa Aura Casal de Altuve Universidad de los Andes
  • Víctor Hugo Molina Colmenares Universidad de los Andes



rules, accounting regulations accounting, faithful image


René Descartes puts the reason on the individual. For him, knowledge is not based solely on experience or practice, knowledge acquired in this way does not reveal the truth, whereas if it is obtained by reason it does. In this order of ideas, for Descartes, knowledge must have as its main quality the evidence or certainty, discards the experience, which is why he sought rules to lead to reason and thus be able to reveal truths. Descartes developed the principle of, mathematicalization of philosophical research, which consisted of ordering according to a method four rules or postulates which are: Evidence, analysis, deduction and verification, they can be linked with the International Financial Reporting Standards to help the faithful representation of financial information.

Author Biography

Víctor Hugo Molina Colmenares, Universidad de los Andes

Contador público, Administrador, Magister ciencias contables , Doctor en ciencias contables. Universidad de los Andes; docencias en pregrado, contabilidad avanzada 3, postgrado en ciencias contables: tributos 2.


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International Accounting Standards Board. (2016). Marco Conceptual para la información financiera. IFRS Foundation.

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How to Cite

Casal de Altuve, R. A., & Molina Colmenares, V. H. (2020). René Descartes´s rules applied to the accounting regulations. Representation of information. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 11(17), 51–60.