A nation lost in time. Why 1819 and not 1810 as the beginning of Independence?


  • Juan Fernando Duarte Borrero




independence of colombia, historical research, revolutions, economic research, latin-americanism


July 20, 1810 and August 7, 1819 are the dates that have traditionally been associated with the precise moment of Colombian Independence. But aside from political interests, it is fundamental to resort to recent research to pass through these discussions and refer to what the evidence shows us. This article, conceived more as an essay than as an in-depth article, offers a historical overview of the characteristics offered by the regimes that identified the so-called Old Regime in what is now the Colombian territory. Without any pretension of novelty, it outlines in a few pages more than two centuries of history and invites to reflect on the origin of a nation that seems not to have been born yet.

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How to Cite

Duarte Borrero, J. F. (2019). A nation lost in time. Why 1819 and not 1810 as the beginning of Independence?. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 10(15), 85–97. https://doi.org/10.33571/teuken.v10n15a3