Environmental Indicators - A successful case of sustainability in the freight sector Valle de Aburrá - Colombia.
Good environmental practices, clean production, environmental indicators, mobile sources, transportation of freightAbstract
In the current Colombian National Policy for Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption, there are several Programs that have been articulated in different productive sectors, one of these has focused on the Freight Since 2008. A participative action research project was led by the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley (AMVA), as the local urban environmental authority, was executed by Research Groups from universities in the region. The objective was to encourage the adoption of Best Practices for Driving and make possible environmental and economic benefits, which are evidenced by presenting a model of a successful case within a group of 118 companies in the sector, in order to implement environmental indicators. This way, a projection of reaching better conditions of sustainability and reduction of the carbon footprint of an activity that generates high environmental pressure can be carried out.
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Abstract: 941 PDF (Español (España)): 818References
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