The universe appointed at the constructed universe. Notes for think of writi ng as educational strut.
Language, Representation, Training, Ontology, writing across the curriculumAbstract
Education at all levels is aimed at solving the basic problems of human beings and only tangentially addresses their transcendental concerns, which ultimately define the decisions we take as individuals and as a society. This work aims to develop a philosophical support that would connect education with language. It seeks to explore the possibilities of get into an educational method that operates in and through language (especially written) whose immediate application is projected from to the whole system from elementary to college education. One could argue that education is based in language and even could complaint about its verbosity, however, experience shows that even in the so-called first world countries, the generalization is that it does not go beyond an utilitarian relationship with language, exclusively geared towards the transmission of ideas, which is why it is done a more instrumental use of it, that is, not significant.
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Abstract: 362 PDF (Español (España)): 179References
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