Access to food in rural areas of Ecuador. Analysis of policy delivery in the period 1987-2010.


  • Susana Herrero Olarte Universidad de las Américas


food politics, I access food, rural malnutrition, Ecuador


This article recognizes the importance of Food Delivery Programs (EAP) in Ecuador, characterize, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. The first part is determined how the group most affected by malnutrition is the rural population in condition of marginalization, isolation and poverty. In the second section discusses how families has access to food purchasing them, producing them, and through PEA. In the third part the evolution of the PEA is analyzed, showing its main strengths and weaknesses. Among the advances highlighted is inclusion in the legislative framework, its growing volume and the inclusion of parallel strategies. The key challenges are to manage for results with comparative data over time, interdisciplinary treatment, stability, and strategies for underpin the sustainability.

Article Metrics

 Abstract: 378  PDF (Español (España)): 438 

Author Biography

Susana Herrero Olarte, Universidad de las Américas

Susana Herrero Olarte es PhD. en Economía Aplicada, MsC. en Economía del Desarrollo, y Economista. Actualmente es Directora del Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales (CIEE) de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (FACEA) de la Universidad de las Américas, (Quito, Ecuador)


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How to Cite

Herrero Olarte, S. (2015). Access to food in rural areas of Ecuador. Analysis of policy delivery in the period 1987-2010. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 6(7), 63–79. Retrieved from


