About the Journal

TEUKEN BIDIKAY is a biannual international peer-reviewed publication accepting high quality results on original research papers, conceptual papers, and general reviews. The journal is focused on the field of Economic Sciences; consequently, academic and research work in the fields of organizations, management, accounting, environment and Society are welcomed. The journal is internationally coedited between the Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid and the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco; also, are associated co-publishers the Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, the Universidad de Antioquia and the Universidad de La Habana.

Peer Review Process

Arbitration and selection

The referees of the journal will act as academic peers in the doubly anonymous evaluation process of the articles proposed for publication and they will issue their judgments in the format provided by the Editorial Board. As the articles proposed for publication are received, the editors of the journal will examine the fulfillment of the formal requirements (prior review), and if these are reached, they will notify their entry to the editorial process and will send each selected text for international evaluation. The journal imposes as a transparency criterion, the intervention of three (3) referees for each article to be evaluated, where at least two (2) of them must be from different countries than the author(s) of the document to be examined (triple international arbitration doubly blind), which give you the greatest judgement impartiality to evaluation process and contribute to the consolidation of an international network of academic peers. The journal will notify the authors of the progress of the process and the corrected version of the articles, produced in response to the evaluation of the referees, may not exceed 7500 words.

Certification: In all cases, the journal will issue a certificate of international academic referee to evaluators acting as such in each issue and will make specific mention of their names and institutional affiliations in their editorial pages. The peer evaluators constitute the journal's International Arbitration Committee and may request a certificate of membership with the aim of accrediting such experience in their academic records. Researchers interested in applying as evaluators may do so via email.

Ethic Rules Code

The Latin American Journal of Research on Organizations, Environment and Society, TEUKEN-BIDIKAY is essentially a space for academic discussion and debate of disciplines and researchers, and to that extent, it declares itself open to all manifestations of thought, in respect for diversity, difference and civil liberties. Likewise, it declares the behaviors and requirements that from the ethical-professional framework must be met by authors who want to be part of the journal's calls:

Commitments of the authors: The published texts are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not represent or compromise the academic-disciplinary criteria of the publishing institutions Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid and Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco.

In the case of translations, the name of the medium in which the original version of the text was published, the volume and / or number, the city, the date of the edition and the original language will be reported.

The articles must be unpublished and cannot be submitted at the same time to another journal or call for publication. If any fragment or section of the text has been previously published in another medium, it must be reported in which medium and the date on which some type of dissemination was published or carried out.

The transfer of rights, completed and signed by the authors, authorizes the editors of the magazine to reproduce the text and make modifications in accordance with the editorial criteria of the publication, its editorial quality control and its style corrections.

It is the responsibility of the authors to reference any source that corresponds to another author, institution or source of information; If not referenced, this act will be taken as plagiarism and may cause the article to be discarded from the editorial process, without prejudice to the legal implications that may take place in each country.

Conflict of interest: When an author (or his institution), reviewer or editor has an economic or personal link that improperly influences (bias) the publication process of the proposed text, an explanatory note must be signed on the reasons and implications, in the format provided for that purpose by the Editorial Board. 

Commitments of the Referees: The evaluators, members of the journal's International Arbitration Committee will respect the confidentiality policy of the opinion of the articles established by Teuken Bidikay, especially with respect to the fact that the identity of the evaluators cannot be revealed to the authors and that they must not make any kind of distribution or dissemination of the materials submitted to their opinion.

They will only accept articles that correspond to their academic training and expertise and their areas of research specialty.

They will review the works in a responsible, objective and impartial manner and regarding them, they will not establish contact with anyone other than the Editorial Committee.

The arbitrators will deliver their assessment clearly expressed in the terms established by the “request for arbitration” format delivered by the journal and within the period specified therein.

Care will be taken not to use offensive language and to respect the authors in evaluating their work. When the quantitative rating of an evaluation item is less than six (6) points, the referees are obliged to issue an explanatory comment on their evaluation and offer guidance to correct the flaws found.

All evaluators must be available to the director and editorial managers for the purposes of the consultations that are required in the exercise of their function.

Editorial Comitee commitments: The international journal Teuken Bidikay promotes clarity, transparency, veracity and opportunity in communication throughout the editorial management process.

Those responsible for the journal express their constant willingness to respond to the authors in a timely manner about the status of their writings in the stages of reception, prior review, international evaluation, opinion on corrections, approval and publication.

The journal undertakes to protect the content of the articles and copyright in the framework of intellectual property laws.

Authors will have access to the reasons for acceptance, rejection and modification of their texts, which the evaluators dictate in their evaluations, except for the identity of the latter.

The journal is committed to respect for the free expression and intellectual expression of the authors and evaluators.

With special strength, the Editorial Committee guarantees the protection of confidentiality in the arbitration process. The evaluators will not know the identity and institutional affiliation of the authors, just as the authors will not know the identity of the arbitrators who are assigned to evaluate their writings.

Teuken Bidikay assumes the most rigorous arbitration model by triple international evaluation doubly blind.

Editors will reject and denounce the cases in which the authors and evaluators incur in nonethical acts that attempt against the transparency and veracity of the editorial process.

The team of professionals, academics and assistants of the journal undertakes to act impartially regarding the handling of information, the assignment of evaluators, the choice of texts to be published by edition, and the communication established with the different authors

Editorial Criteria

TEUKEN BIDIKAY is a scientific journal of international circulation, every six months and receiving for evaluating and publishing scientific papers on research results, translations thereof, articles of disciplinal reflection, literature reviews, bibliographic reviews and general information referred to the academic-investigative work in the disciplinary area of Economic Sciences, with preference on Organizations, Accounting, Environment and Society. The magazine is an international co-edition between the Politécnico Colombiano and the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia, and as associated co-publishing institutions, the Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, the Universidad de Antioquia and the Universidad de La Habana

Editorial Process


The journal circulates in a printed version with print run of 500 copies and an electronic version on the Open Journal Systems PKP platform of the Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid (Colombia). In addition, the digital version can be consulted on our portals in Argentina and Canada:


