Measurement of co-creation value through dynamic archetypes and fuzzy logic


  • Miguel Aristizábal PhD Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jaime Echeverri PhD Universidad de Medellín
  • Germán Urrego PhD Universidad de Antioquia
  • Liliana , Gonzalez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Manuela , Aristizábal Universidad de Antioquia


perceived value, co-creation, system dynamics, system Archetypes and fuzzy logic


The present paper suggests a conceptual model based on the archetypes from system thinking as fuzzy logic support to measure the co-created value. The proposal not only takes into account the subjectivity of variables but also the quality and intensity of their relation. In order to identify the variables the first step was carrying out exploratory studies in the use of an application for the generation of ideas within the company (UNE), cases under study regarding the co-creation techniques identification and later the co-creation techniques were applied to an exploratory process in the identification of home needs at Medellin and Bogotá. The research demonstrates the possibility of measuring the fuzzy variables belonging to the qualitative researches associated to the value co-creation within the organizations.

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|Abstract: 734 | PDF (Español (España)): 746 |


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How to Cite

PhD, M. A., PhD, J. E., PhD, G. U., Gonzalez, L. , & Aristizábal, M. ,. (2013). Measurement of co-creation value through dynamic archetypes and fuzzy logic. Revista Politécnica, 9(17), 47 –57. Retrieved from


