Methodology for the assessment of first-party audit findings with a transdisciplinary approach


  • Luis Fernando Galván-Gómez M.Sc. en Administración, Profesor, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Medellín, Colombia, E-mail: orcid
  • Diana Maria Montoya-Quintero Ph.D. en Ingeniería de sistemas, Profesor, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano – ITM, Medellín, Colombia, E-mail: orcid
  • Adriana Xiomara Reyes-Gamboa Ph.D. en Ingeniería de sistemas e informática, Profesor, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Medellín, Colombia, E-mail: orcid
  • Claudia Alejandra Rosero-Noguera M.Sc. en Ingeniería de sistemas, Profesora, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Medellín, Colombia, E-mail: orcid



audits, management system, integrated management system, transdisciplinarity


Audits of management systems are a review to assess conformity with some requirements defined in the audit criteria. There are different types of audits, among which are the first part audits. A problem has been evidenced when carrying out these audits since sometimes these are subjective and imprecise when evaluating the evidence; It is for this reason that it is proposed to reduce the risks in audit reports with a method that allows auditors to assess audit evidence and perform a better classification of audit findings in management systems; unifying objective criteria for the results of the audits and defining a method that reduces subjectivity and allows obtaining a quantitative follow-up.

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How to Cite

Galván-Gómez, L. F., Montoya-Quintero, D. M., Reyes-Gamboa, A. X., & Rosero-Noguera, C. A. (2023). Methodology for the assessment of first-party audit findings with a transdisciplinary approach. Revista Politécnica, 19(38), 160–172.