Efficiency of Guajiro charcoal and chitosan in the removal of physicochemical parameters in domestic wastewater.


  • Karina Paola Torres-Cervera Ingeniera Ambiental y Sanitario, Magíster en Medio ambiente y Desarrollo. Docente Universidad Popular del Cesar. Valledupar
  • Marlon David Macea-Triana Ingeniero Ambiental y Sanitario. Valledupar, Colombia
  • Linda Lucía Rojas-Sanmiguel Ingeniera Ambiental y Sanitario. Valledupar, Colombia
  • Yim James Rodriguez Ingeniero del Medio Ambiente, Magister en Ingeniería Ambiental. Valledupar, Colombia
  • Luis Alberto Romero-Benjumea Ingeniero Ambiental y Sanitario. Doctor en ciencias gerenciales. Magister en Salud Ocupacional. Valledupar, Colombia
  • Aleana Cahuana Ingeniera Ambiental y Sanitario, Magister en Ciencias Ambientales Valledupar, Colombia
  • Melisa Martínez Maestre Ingeniera Ambiental y Sanitario, Magister en Pedagogía Ambiental Docente Universidad Popular del Cesar. Valledupar




Cardón Guajiro, Chitosan, Cactus, Natural coagulant, Sewage water


The efficiency of two natural coagulants was evaluated and compared: Cardón Guajiro and Quitosano to treat the wastewater of the Sonesta Valledupar hotel. The Cardón Guajiro was extracted by a process of drying, grinding, sieving and extraction with anhydrous methanol. Chitosan in the form of scales. Jar tests were carried out to determine ranges, optimal doses and analyze the study parameters as these coagulants were applied. Two tests were carried out with concentrations of 5% and 10% for Cardón Guajiro and two for Chitosan at a concentrationf 1%. The doses of Cardón between 10 and 100 PPM in intervals of 10, the doses of Chitosan from 50 to 500 PPM in intervals of 50. The Cardón at a concentration of 5% generated excellent results in the study parameters. Chitosan showed better removal percentages than Cardón guajiro

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How to Cite

Torres-Cervera, K. P., Macea-Triana, M. D., Rojas-Sanmiguel, L. L., Rodriguez, Y. J., Romero-Benjumea, L. A., Cahuana, A., & Martínez Maestre, M. (2022). Efficiency of Guajiro charcoal and chitosan in the removal of physicochemical parameters in domestic wastewater. Revista Politécnica, 18(36), 162–186. https://doi.org/10.33571/rpolitec.v18n36a12

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