The Cultural Practice of the San Antonino Embroidery in Oaxaca - Mexico




Embroidery, cultural practice, community, everyday life, memory, identity


Since childhood I have been interested in cultural activities in Oaxaca, born of observing the enthusiasm of my mother and grandmother for dancing sones, preparing gastronomic delights or attending midnight masses. I learned from their feet and hands. Seeing through their eyes and their memories, I was creating my conception of Oaxaca and its artistic, cultural and religious activities, getting closer to knowing its traditions and customs. I was born and raised in the capital city, in the Central Valleys region, where the blouse and dress known as "de San Antonino" was created. This is a garment that is made
individually, familiarly and collectively. From a process of craftsmanship and sharing of knowledge, the threads that construct the drawings of fowers in their diversity of colors are woven and refect the lived and transmitted experiences of the community. In this article I unravel the cultural practice of this embroidery, through which the women of this region give an account of their feelings, knowledges, daily life and identity 

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Author Biography

Esmeralda Castañeda de la Cueva, Universidad de las Américas Puebla: México

Maestranda en Comunicación y Cambio Social de Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, México.


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How to Cite

Castañeda de la Cueva, E. (2018). The Cultural Practice of the San Antonino Embroidery in Oaxaca - Mexico. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 10(20), 27–44.