The green factor in the Argentine economy. Productivity and demand during convertibility and post-convertibility.


  • Mariano Lanza Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
  • Guillermo C. Oglietti Universidad Nacional de Río Negro


verdoorn law, productivity, institutional change, convertibility, post-convertibility


Verdoorn´s law proposes a causal relationship between market growth and productivity growth. This paper finds that an important change in the "productivity regime" was created due to changes in the institutional frame after the crash of the Argentine Currency Board (Convertibility law that fixed the Argentine peso to the U.S. dollar between 1991/04 and 01/2002). This seems to be confirmed by the significant differences we find in the values of Verdoorn coefficient between the period when Convertibility law was in force and after. Indeed, the results show that productivity growth have been higher in the Post-Currency Board period.

Likewise, the significance and the values of the Verdoorn´s coefficient shows the existence of a strong relationship between market size and productivity improvement, i.e. in some degree, productivity is endogenous, as well as scale returns. These results lets us contribute to the debate about the relevance of market oriented policies headed to increase market size, strengthen and stabilize demand. Indeed, they are politically attractive because of their direct effects on the welfare, and they also represent an indirect instrument to improve output through productivity growth and the recursive mechanism of accumulative causation generated in the economic system.

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 Abstract: 766  PDF (Español (España)): 226 

Author Biographies

Mariano Lanza, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Economía por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Profesor Adjunto Interino del Departamento de Ciencias de la Economía y la Administración (Universidad Nacional de Río Negro). Sus intereses académicos están en la Economía del Desarrollo e Historia del pensamiento económico.

Guillermo C. Oglietti, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Doctor en Economía Aplicada por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Ciencias de la Economía y la Administración (Universidad Nacional de Río Negro). Su trabajo académico gira en torno al crecimiento económico y la Macroeconomía.


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How to Cite

Lanza, M., & Oglietti, G. C. (2011). The green factor in the Argentine economy. Productivity and demand during convertibility and post-convertibility. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 2(2), 74–92. Retrieved from


