Technological adaptation for an electric wheelchair, applying a modular approach
Electric wheelchair, modular approach, user centered designResumo
Supporting products, such as electric wheelchairs, help people with disabilities integrate into society. However, often, in developing countries such as Colombia, the industry in this field it is still in the process of supplying consolidation of demand through imports. In addition, the socioeconomic situations of some users commonly demand the re-use of these products. In this context, the technological realization of adaptations to these products is common. Considering the serious physical consequences that could induce an inadequate technological adaptation to electric wheelchairs, it is necessary to advance in the definition of successful procedures that integrate synergistically theories and design tools in different domains, such as: mechanical, electronic and science computing. Thus, this paper presents the integration of modeling tools, formal and semi-formal, such as user-centered, IDEF0, UML, Petri Network, CAD, CAE, among others, to ensure technological adaptations using a modular approach in a chair design used electric wheelchair that would allow their re-use to new operating conditions imposed by another user. The structural flexibility as evidenced by the approach used promotes compliance with future requirements for possible re-use of another user.Métricas do artigo
Resumo: 942 PDF (English): 495Referências
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