Listeria spp and Salmonella spp detection in chesses and it relation with physicochemical characeristics


  • Alexander David Castro Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Oscar Orlando Porras Atencia Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Sandra Carolina Bermúdez Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Nadia Judith Velasco Sánchez Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • María Laudid Osorio Padilla Instituto Universitario de la Paz


ELISA, frequency, Foodborne Diseases


Listeria and Salmonella bacteria were found in artisanal Costeño and Campesino cheeses sold in the municipality of Barrancabermeja, Santander. Seventy-six samples were taken randomly in four market places in the city, using blocks of cheese (Costeño 25 kg and Campesino 5 lb) as the experimental unit. Physicochemical analyzes of moisture, pH, acidity, aqueous activity (aw) and chlorides were carried out, taking as reference the methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) and the Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC). Also Listeria and Salmonella bacteria were found by using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test (ELISA). The results showed the presence of Salmonella spp in Costeño and Campesino cheeses, with a frequency of 40.79% and 11.43% respectively. However, Listeria spp was not detected in the samples examined and the values obtained in the physicochemical analysis are within the limits established in NTC 750: 2000.

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Author Biographies

Alexander David Castro, Instituto Universitario de la Paz

Especialista en Docencia Universitaria, Médico Veterinario y Zootecnista, Profesional Universitario

Oscar Orlando Porras Atencia, Instituto Universitario de la Paz

Magister en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos

Sandra Carolina Bermúdez, Instituto Universitario de la Paz

Especialista en Aseguramiento de la Calidad e Inocuidad Agroalimentaria

Nadia Judith Velasco Sánchez, Instituto Universitario de la Paz

Medica Veterinaria y Zootecnista

María Laudid Osorio Padilla, Instituto Universitario de la Paz

Ingneriera Agroindustrial


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How to Cite

David Castro, A., Porras Atencia, O. O., Bermúdez, S. C., Velasco Sánchez, N. J., & Osorio Padilla, M. L. (2016). Listeria spp and Salmonella spp detection in chesses and it relation with physicochemical characeristics. Revista Politécnica, 12(23), 91–98. Retrieved from


