Frequency Estimation of Continuous Signals whith Sub-Nyquist Sampling, through its Maximum Singular Value


  • Herman Hamilton Guerrero Chapal Universidad Mariana
  • Evelio Astaiza Hoyos Universidad del Quindío


Autocorrelation, Awgn, Sampling frequency, Sub-Nyquist, Singular Values, Cognitive Radio, Spectrum


In Cognitive Radio (CR) systems seeks to make an efficient use of radio resources, therefore the Spectrum Sensing (SS) is a critical function, since of the SS function depends that the CR system has an adequate knowledge of the spectral bands sub used. Traditional methods of SS, presents major implementation challenges because they require high sampling rates above the Nyquist rate, doing that the number of samples to be processed is high. To address this problem, in this paper a method for estimating the center frequency of continuous signals is presented, The signal is acquired at lower frequencies established by Nyquist sampling theorem. With the obtained data autocorrelation matrix is calculated, then the singular values of this matrix are obtained and compared with preset values, from these values, the center frequency of the signal is estimated.

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Author Biographies

Herman Hamilton Guerrero Chapal, Universidad Mariana

Ing. Electrónico. Candidato a Magister en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones Universidad del Cauca. Docente Facultad de Ingeniería, Grupo GRIM Universidad Mariana, Pasto, Colombia.,

Evelio Astaiza Hoyos, Universidad del Quindío

Ing. Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones. Mag. en Ingeniería Área Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones. Candidato a Doctor Ciencias de la Electrónica Universidad del Cauca. Docente Facultad de Ingeniería, Grupo GITUQ, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Chapal, H. H., & Astaiza Hoyos, E. (2016). Frequency Estimation of Continuous Signals whith Sub-Nyquist Sampling, through its Maximum Singular Value. Revista Politécnica, 12(23), 57–64. Retrieved from




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