Challenges of Smart Contracts in the Governance of Autonomous Decentralized Organizations in Latin America.


  • Corina Torres-Bernal Abogada en Venezuela y Colombia, especialista en Derecho Administrativo, Phd(c) en Ciencias Organizacionales Universidad de Los Andes (FACES-ULA) - Mérida - Venezuela orcid
  • Maryorie Natalia Varela-Vielma Economista, Magister en Administración, Phd(c) en Ciencias Organizacionales Universidad de Los Andes (FACES-ULA) - Mérida - Venezuela orcid



Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), Blockchain;, Decentralized Technology


This article examines the legal perspectives of smart contracts in the governance of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in Latin America. The main objectives include defining DAOs and smart contracts, analyzing their benefits and challenges in DAO governance, exploring the current legal framework in the region, identifying challenges, and proposing solutions. The methodology used consists of literature review and documentary analysis of existing regulations. The results highlight advancements in legislation but also legal gaps regarding jurisdiction and privacy. In conclusion, the need for adaptive regulations and international standards to promote the secure adoption of blockchain technologies and smart contracts in Latin America is emphasized.

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How to Cite

Torres-Bernal, C., & Varela-Vielma, M. N. (2024). Challenges of Smart Contracts in the Governance of Autonomous Decentralized Organizations in Latin America. Revista Politécnica, 20(39), 171–182.

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