Characterization of Operations in the Public Waste Management Service Network in Sogamoso.


  • Ricardo Javier Pineda-Melgarejo Docente de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia –UNAD
  • Álvaro Javier Rojas-Baracaldo Docente de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia –UNAD orcid
  • Edward Fernando Toro-Perea Docente de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia –UNAD
  • Sandra Milena Patiño Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia –UNAD orcid



Economic Evaluation, Transportation, Selection, Waste Sorting, Optimization


Based on previous research studies, the need arises to apply operations simulation techniques to the micro-routes of the public sanitation service in Sogamoso. The objective of this research is to characterize the operations in the process of transportation, selection and classification of usable solid waste for subsequent studies to evaluate the economic profitability of the micro routes that optimize the management of waste from the source to the final transformers. Sustainable waste management, efficient use of resources and citizen participation in prevention and recovery are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS 11 and 12). The study population are the recyclers of the public waste management network in Sogamoso, who know the necessary information to characterize the operations in order to point the results towards ensuring sustainable waste management with citizen participation in the prevention and recovery of waste produced in the city of Sogamoso.

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How to Cite

Pineda-Melgarejo, R. J., Rojas-Baracaldo , Álvaro J., Toro-Perea , E. F., & Patiño, S. M. (2024). Characterization of Operations in the Public Waste Management Service Network in Sogamoso. Revista Politécnica, 20(39), 119–127.

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