Industry 4.0, Tools of Industry 4.0, Barriers, SMEsAbstract
The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Colombia was investigated. Research advancements were analyzed, and 121 SMEs in the manufacturing, services, and agricultural sectors were characterized. The main finding indicates a low adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in SMEs, with common challenges such as lack of infrastructure and high investment costs. Additionally, each sector faces specific challenges including cybersecurity, financial resources, and resistance to change. Successful transition to Industry 4.0 requires overcoming barriers and adopting sector-specific strategies to address these challenges and seize opportunities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dairo Steven Muñoz-Pinzón, Karen T. Valencia-Rivero, Yaneth Patricia Caviativa-Castro, Johan Sneider Castillo-Bustos
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