Influence of Fiber Distribution on the Flexural Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete.
Concrete, Flexion, Fibers, DistributionAbstract
Concrete has long been one of the most important materials in civil works projects. Its implementation includes the majority of infrastructure of which the human being makes use for the development of their activities in an appropriate way, therefore, the improvement of this, through the addition of new types of materials that allow a better efficiency of the concrete to the multiple efforts to which it is subjected establish the guidelines to study how the distribution of fibers of different material influences the resistance to bending of self-compacting concrete. Through the creation of concrete specimen type beams, the resistance is evaluated by bending tests, then cross and longitudinal sections are made where the distribution of fibers can be observed in order to record their positioning in a representative area and thus relate to the data obtained on their resistance. It is obtained that specimens with synthetic fibers had a minimal improvement in flexural strength, but with a high resistance to rupture and cracking, since both parts of the beams remained together even after failure, representing difficulty to make the cuts already mentioned. Steel fibers represent a significant increase in bending strength and, in the same way as synthetic fibers, generate an increase in resistance to rupture and cracking. The fiber analysis distribution, we find that fibers segregate in the upper part of the beams so showing greater resistance to bending.
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Abstract: 395 PDF (Español (España)): 308 HTML (Español (España)): 13PlumX metrics
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Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Valencia-Enríquez, Oscar Deivy Figueroa-Moran, Daniel Esteban Mesa-Erazo, Juan Sebastian Pareja-Peña
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