Efficiency of the use of species such as (Gramineas and Fabaceas) in soils disturbed by clay mining in the mine "El cielo" corregimiento de Valencia de Jesús-Cesar.
Arcilla; gramíneas; suelo; fabáceas.Abstract
This research focused on the implementation of different species to evaluate their efficiency in soils disturbed by clay mining. A part of the land was taken and a physical-chemical and microbiological characterization was made to know the conditions of the soil under study before applying the species, then it was divided into four plots of equal measures, of 1.5x1 m, one control and three in which we applied the respective species, this with the objective of evaluating the efficiency of the interaction of the species in the soil contaminated by mining. This study revealed the great capacity of grasses (Maize, star grass and brachiaria grass), and Fabaceae (Yaguaro and Acacia Riparia Kunth), to provide organic materials and nutrients that allowed the evaluation of the efficiency or reactivation of the contaminated soils. It should be noted that the one with the highest efficiency was plot three.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Karina Paola Torres Cervera, Gabriela Carolina Higidio-Ferrer, Camilo Andrés Baquero-Castilla, Adriana Carolina Royero-Ibarra, Yecid Gafit Acevedo-Duran
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