Measurement of vital sign parameters for mobile alert issuance
disease, mobile, pandemic, health, warning systemAbstract
one of the main concerns of people, especially the elderly or minors in this time of pandemic, is how to know their immediate state of health. A key indicator for this is reported by vital signs parameters such as temperature, heart rate and oxygenation; currently, wearable devices such as smart watches or bands, allow such monitoring by connecting to a cell phone; however, many users are unaware or fail to achieve the proper interpretation of such reports. For this reason, in addition to monitoring vital signs, the objective of this proposed system is to issue alerts that are sent automatically, not only to the user of the device, but also to a companion via text message whenever any of these parameters is outside the normal allowed range. This is achieved with a user categorization model supported by a system of rules that describes the normal allowed ranges, establishing criteria for issuing alerts. The main benefit of the proposed system is to have specific information in real time, of a body parameter that allows warning of an altered state of health, which is useful as information for making medical decisions, but can also be an important input data to identify an individual with possible risk of contagion of a disease, useful information in a pandemic
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ingrid Durley Torres-Pardo, Jaime A. Guzmán-Luna, Carlo Mario Barros-Ligan, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez-López

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