Potyvirus identification in tree tomato (solanum betaceum cav) in Antioquia using serological detection


  • José Fernando Gil Ramírez Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Mary Luz Ayala Vásquez Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín
  • Mauricio Marín Montoya Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín
  • Elena Paola González Jaimes Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


indirect- ELISA, serological test, mechanical inoculation


To establish a suitable identification of the found virus in the cultivated regions of Antioquia, Colombia, it was inoculated in 20 healthy plants of Solanum betaceum (of three months of age), a sap extract from infected plants. Later was made a pursuit of symptoms in field and in possible host plants of the virus in commercial cultures of S. betaceum, the samples were collected in the main producing regions of the fruit in Antioquia state. Every 8 days, in the inoculated plants was made a visual following of symptoms and every 15 days was made a specific serological test for Potyvirus. As result was found that some of the tree tomato plants inoculated showed symptoms since 15 days after inoculation and also were positive in the serological test. The plants in field showed different symptoms associated with the virus disease, the collected weeds did not show symptoms and neither were positive in the serological tests. The viral particle was identified like a flexuous extended particle by electron microscopy and as a possible Potyvirus. It was confirmed with the positive results of the specific Potyvirus serological Indirect-ELISA test in the mechanically inoculated plant as well as in the plant field sampling. On the other hand, the symptoms were similar in all visited plots during the collection of material and were the same on the inoculated plants which confirms the presence of a Potyvirus in the affected orchards.

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How to Cite

Gil Ramírez, J. F., Ayala Vásquez, M. L., Montoya, M. M., & González Jaimes, E. P. (2009). Potyvirus identification in tree tomato (solanum betaceum cav) in Antioquia using serological detection. Revista Politécnica, 5(8), 112–120. Retrieved from https://revistas.elpoli.edu.co/index.php/pol/article/view/131


