Physiological bases of the of sport training principles


  • Elkin Eduardo Roldán Aguilar Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


physiology, sports training principles, exercise


The training sports principles are the base of the general theory of the training, without which it is not possible to be crystallized the processes of formation and sport potential. These principles are based on the physiological changes that occur during the exercise and the adaptations of the organism with the training. With the revision of this subject, it is tried initially, to locate to the reading one on the different schools that exist on training sports principles, next, will analyze each one of the principles, considering that they are based on the form as the training becomes a stimulus that modifies the physiological mechanisms of the organism. Therefore, it is fundamental that the Professionals in Sport and physical educators have clarity that on the correct application of these principles, depends the fulfillment of the objective with the training and therefore of the success of the same. It is why this subject is approached in the subject of integral physiology of the training.

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How to Cite

Roldán Aguilar, E. E. (2009). Physiological bases of the of sport training principles. Revista Politécnica, 5(8), 84–93. Retrieved from


