Characterization of augmented reality markers for use in robotics


  • Carlos Alberto Valencia Hernández1 Instituto tecnológico Pascual Bravo
  • Alejandro Restrepo Martínez Universidad nacional de Colombia
  • Nelson David Muñoz Ceballos Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid



Computer vision, Augmented reality, Markers, Robotics, Mobile Robot


In spite of the wide variety of studies and researches about augmented reality applied in robotic systems, in general terms there are not analysis around how affects the detection of markers: illumination, distances, or angles of incidence of the robot´s camera, underestimating the importance of these parameters in the representation of augmented objects, it difficult to do an objective performance comparison of the augmented reality applications in robots. This paper describes a procedure in order to analysis a set of standard augmented reality markers taking into account distances, detection angles, illumination, and the effect of marker size on the scale of augmented objects, in a way that helps the reader to determine what effect they have on the system performance, and proposing a series of recommendations from the results of technical tests in order to maintain optimal detection of markers for in-door environments.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Valencia Hernández1, Instituto tecnológico Pascual Bravo

Ing. en Instrumentación y control, MSc. en automatización y control industrial, profesor Instituto tecnológico Pascual Bravo, Medellín. Email:

Alejandro Restrepo Martínez, Universidad nacional de Colombia

Ing. Mecánico, PhD. en ingeniería de sistemas, área de visón por computador, profesor Universidad nacional de Colombia, Medellín. Email:

Nelson David Muñoz Ceballos, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Ing. Electrónico, MSc. en automatización y control industrial, profesor Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Medellín. Email:


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How to Cite

Valencia Hernández1, C. A., Restrepo Martínez, A., & Muñoz Ceballos, N. D. (2017). Characterization of augmented reality markers for use in robotics. Revista Politécnica, 13(25), 87–102.




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