About the Journal

The journal Politécnica is an academic biannual publication on science, technology and innovation from the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Medellín, Colombia. Its main aim is publishing original research and innovation outcomes as well as generating a dynamical spot of academic discussion in the knowledge fields related to basic sciences and engineering. The journal Politécnica is addressed to the academic and scientific community locally and globally. The journal is open access and there are no charges for publication.

Permanent call

The journal Politécnica from the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid invites all the interested in submitting papers for publication.

The call for reception of papers is permanent (along the year), there will be a deadline twice a year, 15th September and 15th April, for the journals to be published in the first and second semesters respectively. In this way, the authors do not need to wait the opening of a call to send their papers, they can send it once it is ready and the editorial team will receive it and start the terms and conditions verification process and assessment. The papers must meet all the established NORMS and FORMATS.

It is suggested reading in detail and following the new directions for publishing in the journal Politécnica, besides using the updated formats (which follow the requirements and criteria demanded by COLCIENCIAS).

Focus and Scope

La revista Politécnica is a biannual academic publication of the Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, which aims to publish research results and generate a dynamic space for academic discussion in relation to the fields of knowledge in which the institution is involved, namely: the Engineering, Administration, Audiovisual Communication, Agricultural Sciences, Basic, Social and Human Sciences, and Physical Education, Recreation and Sports. Similarly, the missionary affairs of the institution

Peer Review Process

The process of selection of papers involved in the call consists of several phases: first, there is an initial review by the Editorial Board, to determine whether the work complies with the terms of reference, there are deficiencies in their structure, composition or other observations presented in this document. Papers that do not fulfill the requirements will not be taken into account to continue the process and will be discarded in the initial review. In the second phase, the papers are evaluated under the double blind method, its content is analyzed by two foreign or national academic peers, specialized in the corresponding area of the article. The process is anonymous between reviewers and authors and lasts between 1 and 2 months. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that giving the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. The Polytechnic magazine does not generate charges for sending or processing articles to our authors. The Revista Politécnica supports research processes of authors from developing countries that are presented in scientific languages, preferably in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Thanks to the Open Journal System, the contents of the Polytechnic Magazine are available immediately an edition is published.

Frequency of publication

La Revista Politécnica is a biannual publication. However, the call for papers is permanent (throughout the year), there will be two cut-off dates, for the magazine to be published in the first semester and for the magazine to be published in the second semester of each year.

Letter and rights session


Cuidad, Fecha

Revista Politécnica
Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid.

Asunto: Presentación de articulo y cesión de derechos de autor para la revista Politécnica

Cordial saludo,

Le remitimos el artículo titulado ''......'' para que el Comité Editorial considere su publicación en la Revista Politécnica.

El tipo de artículo corresponde a: ''......'' (el autor debe indicar el tipo de articulo según la clasificación mencionada en el formato de artículos de la revista Politécnica. Para artículos tipo 1, 2 ó 3, el autor se debe indicar a que investigación está asociado dicho artículo y la institución ejecutora del proyecto. Para el artículo tipo 4, el autor debe expresar en menos de 400 palabras, una justificación del porque el articulo debe ser tenido en cuenta para ser enviado a evaluadores (¿el tema tratado en el artículo es de actualidad?, ¿es relevante?, ¿cuál es su aporte?)

Los autores, abajo firmantes, declaramos:
-Que es un trabajo original.
-Que no ha sido previamente publicado en otro medio.
-Que no ha sido remitido simultáneamente a otra publicación.
-Que todos los autores han contribuido intelectualmente en su elaboración.
-Que todos los autores han leído y aprobado la versión final del artículo remitido.
-Que, en caso de ser publicado el artículo, transfieren todos los derechos de autor al editor, sin cuyo permiso expreso no podrá reproducirse ninguno de los materiales publicados en la misma.

Si el artículo es aprobado para publicar, a través de este documento, la Revista Politécnica asume los derechos exclusivos para editar, publicar, reproducir, distribuir copias, preparar trabajos derivados en papel, electrónicos o multimedia e incluir el artículo en índices nacionales e internacionales o bases de datos.

Recomendamos como posibles evaluadores del artículo a:
Sugerir al menos tres posibles evaluadores externos a su lugar de trabajo y grupo de investigación.

(Nombre y Firma de cada uno de los autores, documento de identidad)

Indexada en:

La Revista Politécnica it is indexed in:

  • Redalyc
  • SciELO Colombia - Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • Actualidad Iberoamericana
  • Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
  • Fuente Académica Premier - EBSCO
  • e-Revistas
  • Latindex
  • Periódica
  • Ulrichs'WEB

Charges for publishing articles

La Revista Politécnica does not charge the authors for the reception, evaluation and publication of the articles (Article Processing Charge - APC) submitted for their consideration.

Ethics Code

For the Authors:

  1. Authors should express originality and clarity of the article, data truthfulness, and validity of the research and its relevance with respect to the journal’s scope.
  2. Authors should know the “instructions to the authors” and observe them entirely.
  3. Authors should report any significant conflict of interest, if any, to all the collaborators.
  4. Authors should inform the editors if any person should not review the material, always based on a reasonable and viable basis.
  5. Authors should know the dates of publication of the journal, as well as the deadlines to send and accept the articles.
  6. Authors can appeal any editorial decisions.

For Peers or Arbitrators:

  1. Review of articles should be made by blind expert peers based on the international double-blind system that assures that the review has been made in compliance with relevant anonymity standards.
  2. Peers should report any conflict of interest resulting from their closeness or hostility with authors; and if they have identified the authors despite their names have not been included in the article. Arbitrators should report any conflict of interest and reject any invitation from editors to evaluate an article when they have, for instance, identified the authors, when they are academically or familiarly related to the authors, when they belong to the same university, department, research group, professional network, research project or any other type of connection or conflict / professional proximity. In this case, the peer should reject the editor’s offer to review the article.
  3. Peers should review the article within the terms assigned by the journal, with the purpose of respecting due terms, as a way of showing respect for authors and their works.
  4. Peers should keep strict confidentiality during the evaluation of articles and should never disclose contents to third parties.
  5. Peers’ opinions are extremely important to detect originality of contents and assure scientific and literary quality of the articles.
  6. Evaluations should include an exhaustive analysis of the article, by contrasting the information provided, verifying relevant scientific literature used for the document, and presenting a quantitative and qualitative report to the editors about the article suitability for future publication.
  7. Peers should issue some comments about ethical problems and potential improper research and publication behaviors that may emerge from the material received.

For Editors:

1. Editors should assure quality of the material to be published on the journal.

2. Editors should select expert peers having knowledge, experience, and academic history in the field and not having any conflict of interest.

3. Editors should respect all copyrights.

4. Editors should assure confidentiality and anonymity of authors and peers during the entire process. Confidentiality should also be applicable to consents and special requirements necessary for conducting research with human beings and animals.

5. Editors should publish corrections, clarifications, retreats, and apologies whenever it should be necessary.

6. Editors should actively look for standpoints of authors, readers, peers, and members of committees and/or editorial boards from other journals, in relation to potential ways of improving their publication processes.

7. Editors should comply with the semester publication periods expressed in ANAGRAMAS Journal.

8. Editors should identify, select, and review the composition of the editorial committee and the scientific committee of the journal, based on the experience and academic history of their members.