Muscle dysmorphia among competitive bodybuilders


  • Jorge Humberto Guerra-Torres University of Antioquia
  • Elkin Fernando Arango-Vélez University of Antioquia


Muscle dysmorphia, body image, body building, dismorfia muscular, fisiculturismo, imagen cultural.


Introduction: The body image distortions have increased in the world, and among those the muscle dysmorphia has an important place. Objective: To determine the frequency of the muscle dysmorphia among a body builders group. Methodology: a descriptive, exploratory transversal study with a convenience sample. Information gathered with the “muscle dysmorphia inventory” questionnaire, which allowed detecting the distortion presence; and through a predesigned questionnaire the socio-demographic and anthropometric variables were investigated. An univariate analysis was done (proportions, means and standard deviation) and a bivariate to compare proportions using the Chi², with a significance of p<0,05. Results : 50 competitive body builders from the Aburrá Valley were included, with an average age of 29,7 years (SD ± 8,5) and a body mass index average of 27,8 (SD ± 3,7). The muscle dysmorphia frequency was of 52%, with high proportions of body image concerns (50%), restricted diet (40%), use of supplements and exercise dependence (34%) and use or abuse of pharmacological substances (58%); and low physical appearance hiding behavior frequency (8%). Conclusions: High muscle dysmorphia prevalence was found among the body builders group, without significant statistical differences observed on muscle dysmorphia neither by BMI, age, educational level, socio-economical level nor by physical appearance hiding behaviors and use or abuse of pharmacological substances.

Métricas do artigo

|Resumo: 809 | PDF (Español (España)): 411 |

Biografia do Autor

Jorge Humberto Guerra-Torres, University of Antioquia

MSc. in Motricity, GRICAFDE Group, University of Antioquia, Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellín, Colombia.

Elkin Fernando Arango-Vélez, University of Antioquia

MSc. in Clinical Epidemiology, Physical Activity and Sports Applied Sciences Research Group GRICAFDE, Physical Education Institute, University of Antioquia, Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellín, Colombia.


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Como Citar

Guerra-Torres, J. H., & Arango-Vélez, E. F. (2015). Muscle dysmorphia among competitive bodybuilders. Revista Politécnica, 11(20), 39–48. Recuperado de


