Diseño de mezclas, DOE, Arcillas, Cerámica, Bloques, Optimización.Abstract
This research evaluated the enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken feathers to obtain hydrolyzed energy as an alternative to valorize this design generated by the poultry industry. The hydrolysis was performed with the enzyme Genencor® Tan G plus, using an experimental design of central compound type, selecting as factors the pH (8 to 9), the temperature (20 ° C to 30 ° C) and the enzyme dose ( 0.03 g to 0.05 g), and in response to the concentration of the protein in the extract using the Bradford method and SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis to determine the purity. The results are studied by means of an analysis of the variance and the methodology of the response surface obtaining a pH of 8, an enzyme dose of 0.03 g and a temperature of 25 ° C, a maximum concentration of 2.106 mg / mL being the pH and temperature (° C) The significant factors of hydrolysis.Article Metrics
Abstract: 2233 HTML (Español (España)): 466 PDF (Español (España)): 1188 XML (Español (España)): 74PlumX metrics
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