Tightness proofs for sewer inspection robots accordin to IEC60529 Standard


  • Leonardo Enrique Solaque Guzmán Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Diego Alejandro Patiño Guevara Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Iván Uchima León Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


Tightness, sealing, sewer inspection robot


This document has as main objective to verify the tightness of an explorer robot dedicated to sewer inspection tasks, based on existing norms and adjusted to the industry. For this, seal redesigns, simulations and laboratory proofs were performed in order to ensure the IP68 protection according IEC60529 standard. Experimental tests were based on applying dust and water to the robot, concluding that the mechanism has a tightness level IP65 (dust and low-pressure water jets resistant). In addition, it was observed that the tightness is closely related to machining quality and seals, so a second phase is projected in order to improve the system robustness to obtain an IP68 certification.

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Author Biographies

Leonardo Enrique Solaque Guzmán, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

PhD, Docente, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, leonardo.solaque@unimilitar.edu.co

Diego Alejandro Patiño Guevara, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

PhD, Docente, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, patino-d@javeriana.edu.co

Iván Uchima León, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Ingeniero, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, u1801950@unimilitar.edu.co


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How to Cite

Solaque Guzmán, L. E., Patiño Guevara, D. A., & Uchima León, I. (2016). Tightness proofs for sewer inspection robots accordin to IEC60529 Standard. Revista Politécnica, 12(23), 9–16. Retrieved from https://revistas.elpoli.edu.co/index.php/pol/article/view/894


