Proposal to develop educational content destined to hybrid tv of a regional channel


  • Sean Igor Acosta
  • Gustavo Moreno
  • Hernando Recaman Chaux
  • Adriana Xiomara Reyes Gamboa


Educational, content development, simulation, regional channel, Hybrid TV


The hybrid TV is an alternative for the regional channels of terrestrial digital TV. It allows to develop and deliver content and applications for broadcast and broadband. This article introduces the concepts of HbbTV, Hybrid TV, proposed scenarios for hybrid TV, a proposal to develop contents for hybrid TV, and a simulated prototype called educaTV that apply Agile Model of Development Educational Content for Interactive Digital Television (MADCE –TVD). This proposal was submitted for review through an online survey to different people. The results shows that almost 83% believe it is possible to educate yourself with the consumption of this type of content on TV. This research is part of the project "Development and application of edutainment contents in TDT and hybrid TV in the regions of the Antioquia department".

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Author Biographies

Sean Igor Acosta

Sean Igor Acosta. PhD(c), Research professor, Communication School,

Gustavo Moreno

Gustavo Alberto Moreno, PhD(c), Research professor, engineering school,

Hernando Recaman Chaux

Hernando Recaman Chaux, M.Sc, Research professor, engineering school,

Adriana Xiomara Reyes Gamboa

Adriana Xiomara Reyes Gamboa, PhD(c), Research professor, engineering school,


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How to Cite

Acosta, S. I., Moreno, G., Recaman Chaux, H., & Reyes Gamboa, A. X. (2016). Proposal to develop educational content destined to hybrid tv of a regional channel. Revista Politécnica, 12(22), 57–64. Retrieved from




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