Fuzzy controller and pole placement controller to a pneumatic levitator


  • Luis Edo García Jaimes Magister en Educación, Especialista en Automatización Industrial, Ingeniero en Instrumentación y Control. Institución Universitaria de Envigado Carrera 27 B # 39 A Sur 57. Envigado Colombia
  • Maribel Arroyave Giraldo Magister en Automatización y Control industrial, Especialista en Automática, Ingeniera en Instrumentación y Control. Institución Universitaria de Envigado Carrera 27 B # 39 A Sur 57. Envigado Colombia


Pneumatic levitator, modeling, fuzzy control, pole placement, automation


This paper presents the mathematical modeling of a pneumatic levitator and the calculation of some of its parameters from experimental information. A Mamdany type fuzzy controller with triangular membership function and a controller for pole placement so that the system in closed loop meets with established specifications of temporary answer are designed for the levitator. Finally there is compared the performance of two algorithms of control using metric of the integral of the error and temporary response. The results show the fulfilment of the objectives concerning to the design and construction of the levitator and the good performance of the implemented controllers.

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 604 | PDF (Español (España)): 1514 |


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How to Cite

García Jaimes, L. E., & Arroyave Giraldo, M. (2015). Fuzzy controller and pole placement controller to a pneumatic levitator. Revista Politécnica, 11(21), 107–116. Retrieved from https://revistas.elpoli.edu.co/index.php/pol/article/view/624


