From labor virtues to key competences: a new concept for old demands


  • Fernando Vargas Zúñiga SENA


working abilities, management abilities, worker, job, abilities, production, collective share work, communication, TIC


There are many interpretations and readings about the genesis and current development of the approach of working abilities that are, in the already prolific literature, on this matter.Recently they have written some articles in Europe and some experiences have materialized in the American region, which sources arrange to meet along this docu-ment and, of which, there has arisen an interesting con-ductive thread that this time uses in the title.In the following text they are exhibited: an evolutionary vision of the concept of working abilities; the strong connection between organizational evolution with working abilities and his relation with the new technologies of in-formation and communication, the key competences and the advent of a collective concept of working abilities.

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How to Cite

Zúñiga, F. V. (2006). From labor virtues to key competences: a new concept for old demands. Revista Politécnica, 2(3), 13–26. Retrieved from


