Reliability assessment of electrical isolated microgrid by the method of fault tree


  • Laura Rocío Landaeta Chinchilla Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Mario Alejandro Suarez Sierra Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Oscar David Flórez Cediel Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


fault tree analysis, microgrid isolated, Monte-Carlo simulation, stochastic generation


The reliability of a microgrid isolated with distributed sources such as photovoltaic systems, wind turbine generation and storage devices, given the stochastic behavior of renewable resources is assessed. By modeling of generation sources and using the Monte Carlo simulation method (SMC) and fault tree analysis, a graphical interface that allows the calculation of reliability indexes of the system is implemented and considering that depend on the size thereof, set by the number of panels, turbines, storage devices and failure rates of the components. These variables will be freely modified, so that the tool will allow the user a quick view of the changes that these variables fluctuations cause in the system reliability.

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How to Cite

Landaeta Chinchilla, L. R., Suarez Sierra, M. A., & Flórez Cediel, O. D. (2015). Reliability assessment of electrical isolated microgrid by the method of fault tree. Revista Politécnica, 11(20), 89–98. Retrieved from


