Body condition, body mass index, canines, nutritional diseases, monogastric nutritionAbstract
Animal nutrition allows the proper functioning of the body and is a basic pillar for maintaining homeostatic balance. The objective of the study was to determine the percentage of Veterinary Clinics in Medellín that carry out nutritional evaluation in their consultations, the parameters used to carry it out and identify the main diseases of nutritional origin in canines and felines. 72 Veterinary Clinics in Medellín were surveyed. 60% of Veterinary Clinics do not carry out nutritional evaluation and use parameters such as body condition (40.7%), diet (44.7%), weight (11.8%) and hair condition (2.6%). The indices used to perform it were ICM (5.1%), ICC (37.1%), BMI (5.1%). 43.6% of the dogs and cats that come for consultation each month are due to nutritional problems, the most frequent being gastroenteric and dermatological. It is necessary to implement formats for nutritional evaluation in order to prevent diseases and improve animal health.
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