Ultrasound of the diaphragm in ICU intensive care unit.


  • Ingrid Esperanza Tamayo-Gonzalez Magister en Innovaciones educativas, Docente Universitaria, Fundación Universitaria María Cano
  • Oscar Humberto Ruiz-Serna Magister en intervención integral en el deportista, Docente Universitario, Fundación universitaria María Cano
  • David Guillermo-Guzman Fisioterapeuta




ultrasound, Diaphragmatic, Extubation, Adult, Intensive Care Unit, ICU


Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of diaphragmatic ultrasound to predict the outcome of extubation in the adult patient in the ICU. Methodology: It is a bibliographic review, and therefore, the information search was carried out in the Wiley, PubMed, Science Direct, and Scopus databases, according to the inclusion criteria. Results: In its main findings it is evident that diaphragmatic ultrasound is a predictive tool for extubation in adult patients, with the variables of diaphragmatic excursion, thickening fraction and/or diaphragmatic thickness. Conclusion: This study contains practical implications that can be taken into account in the control and management of critically ill patients in order to achieve successful extubation goals through ultrasonographic measurements of the diaphragm muscle.

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How to Cite

Tamayo-Gonzalez, I. E., Ruiz-Serna, O. H., & Guillermo-Guzman, D. (2024). Ultrasound of the diaphragm in ICU intensive care unit. Revista Politécnica, 20(39), 128–147. https://doi.org/10.33571/rpolitec.v20n39a9

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