Human talent management and human being as development subject


  • Vícthor Manuel Caicedo Valencia Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Ana María Acosta Aguirre Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


human development, globalization, freedom, organization, organizational development, human talent management System


The research group Human and Organizational Development –HDO, understanding today’s organizational dynamics and studying the different concepts issued by recognized authors in the field, made a proposal that concatenate the Human Development and Organizational Development concept and recognized theories, to focus the role that plays in the Human Talent Management.  The analysisfirst focus wasthe Human Development as conceptual mainstay that directionsthe business thought toward awelfare situation, framedin Organizational Development,thinkingorganization inadynamic and integral way to recognize opportunities thattheHuman Talent Management System (HTMS) gives to the achievement ofthe businessobjectives and the goals ofthe people who are part of it.

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|Abstract: 5450 | PDF (Español (España)): 6437 |


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How to Cite

Caicedo Valencia, V. M., & Acosta Aguirre, A. M. (2012). Human talent management and human being as development subject. Revista Politécnica, 8(14), 105–113. Retrieved from


