Analysis of related components in competitive programming: A systematic literature mapping.




Framework, programming marathons, competitive programming, training platform


Competitive programming is approached as a mental sport in which participants solve algorithmic and mathematical problems through programming. The main objective of this article is to determine the characteristics and elements necessary for training in competitive programming, through a systematic mapping of the literature based on the Petersen, Feldt et al. protocol. A total of 128 studies were identified, of which 17 were selected for information analysis, following the process described in this document. As a result, it is possible to know the relevant aspects related to competitive programming and its learning, including concepts such as judges, platforms, verdicts, types of exercises, applied methodologies and the importance of practice and participation in programming competitions. This research allowed us to answer six questions, concluding the importance of establishing a framework for training in competitive programming.

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How to Cite

Oliva-Caipe, J. E., Sinza-Diaz, Y. E., & Guerrero-Calvache, S. M. (2023). Analysis of related components in competitive programming: A systematic literature mapping. Revista Politécnica, 19(38), 212–230.