Determinación de metales pesados en material particulado atmosférico por espectroscopía de absorción atómica: validación


  • Maria Fernanda Sarmiento-Gamero Química, Analista área fisicoquímicos laboratorio GAIA. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carlos Daniel Ramos-Contreras Químico, PhD Ing. Ambiental, Coordinador de área fisicoquímicos laboratorio GAIA
  • Sofía Lorena Flórez-Pérez Especialista en Gestión Ambiental y Producción Más Limpia, Analista área fisicoquímico laboratorio GAIA,
  • Francisco José Molina-Pérez Doctor en Ingeniería, Director técnico del laboratorio GAIA



Material particulado, metales, absorción atómica.


The analysis of Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ni in particulate matter (PM10) makes it possible to establish the levels of exposure and risk to the health of the population. This work presents the validation and implementation of analytical methodologies, using microwave-assisted acid digestion and atomic absorption spectroscopy. The parameters were evaluated: linearity, the limit of detection and quantification, precision, and veracity. Linear behavior (R2> 0.995) was obtained between 0.75-2.5 μg Cd, 8.75-125 μg Ni, 5-25 μg Cr and 8.75-15 μg Pb. Also, a matrix effect (α = 0.05) was evidenced in all the metals studied. The coefficients of variation (0.9-12%) and the recovery percentages (66-126%) were found within the allowed intervals. The analysis of the reference material (NIST 1649b Urban Dust) allowed to establish the veracity of the methodology (71-102 % R). Finally, the methodology can be implemented to reliably assess compliance with resolution 2254: 2017 of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development.

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How to Cite

Sarmiento-Gamero, M. F., Ramos-Contreras, C. D., Flórez-Pérez, S. L., & Molina-Pérez, F. J. (2021). Determinación de metales pesados en material particulado atmosférico por espectroscopía de absorción atómica: validación. Revista Politécnica, 17(34), 153–169.