Implementation of an Embedded Image Processing System with Raspberry PI 2B for Recognition and Recollection of Ripe Strawberries


  • Miguel José Delgado-Gutiérrez Universidad Piloto de Colombia
  • Daniel Felipe Herrera-Guillén Universidad Piloto de Colombia
  • Luisa María Medina-Barragán Universidad Piloto de Colombia
  • Jennifer Paola Corredor–Gómez Universidad Piloto de Colombia



Machine vision, Strawberry Identification, Strawberries Ripeness, Embedded system Raspberry Pi 2, Illumination


The objective of this paper is describe the method to locate strawberries and to evaluate their maturity by means of image processing. The detection was realized according to the quantity of the red color and the ripeness with the green/yellow color in the surface of the strawberry. The embedded system Raspberry Pi 2 and a Picamera were used for the described process. The implemented algorithm was written in Python and additionally the Open CV libraries were used. This algorithm was applied in a strawberry harvesting machine that performs the processes of: identification, ripeness evaluation, and harvesting. The processes are developed in real time under different established illumination conditions. The program identified all the strawberries and recognized the maturity in a 76.67%. The presented paper pretends to help the strawberry harvesting and selection processes.

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Author Biographies

Miguel José Delgado-Gutiérrez, Universidad Piloto de Colombia

Estudiante Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Integrante Semillero de Investigación de Agricultura de Precisión. Universidad Piloto de Colombia. Bogotá-Colombia.

Daniel Felipe Herrera-Guillén, Universidad Piloto de Colombia

Estudiante Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Integrante Semillero de Investigación de Agricultura de Precisión. Universidad Piloto de Colombia. Bogotá-Colombia.

Luisa María Medina-Barragán, Universidad Piloto de Colombia

Estudiante Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Integrante Semillero de Investigación de Agricultura de Precisión. Universidad Piloto de Colombia. Bogotá-Colombia.

Jennifer Paola Corredor–Gómez, Universidad Piloto de Colombia

Doctora en Ingeniería Mecánica y Mecatrónica, Profesora Semillero de Investigación de Agricultura de Precisión.  Universidad Piloto de Colombia. Bogotá-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Delgado-Gutiérrez, M. J., Herrera-Guillén, D. F., Medina-Barragán, L. M., & Corredor–Gómez, J. P. (2017). Implementation of an Embedded Image Processing System with Raspberry PI 2B for Recognition and Recollection of Ripe Strawberries. Revista Politécnica, 13(25), 75–85.




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