Modeling, simulation and control of a two link serial robot with Matlab and Simulink
2Rrobot, kinematic control, serial robotics, educational roboticsAbstract
Relevant aspects of the kinematic position control of a serial two-link robot with revolute joints are presented. Presented formulation is supported with simulation and experimental results using the Matlab toolboxes Simulink and Simmechanics. Used hardware was built as course work of Mechatronic Engineering students. It integrated two linkages, two identical Maxon motors, to servo controllers and one EPOS2 circuit. Practical results simulated the drawing of a circle, a triangle and a rectangle, three key shapes in the industry manufacturing tasks or painting of industry elements. The joint error was lower than three degrees in the three cases, considered satisfactory for prototype hardware. The workspace error was calculated based on the real angles for the circle case. Developed control software for the Maxon motors is available on the internet (MathWorks File Exchange).
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