The analytic hierarchy process applied to identification of areas groundwater recharge


  • John Escobar Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Teresita Betancur
  • Edwin García
  • Cristina Martínez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Paola Palacio Universidad de Antioquia


Groundwater, Spatial variables, Management aquifer recharge


The assessment of spatial phenomena is inherently a process of decision making. A particular case of these phenomena are recharge areas associated with regional flow systems, since in its determination and zoning it is attempted to identify, to prioritize and to assign weight to any features that involve quantitative and qualitative variables heterogeneously distributed  in a geographic space. Although there are many methods to address decisions making with spatial variables; among these methods, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) because it integrate qualitative and quantitative aspects in a single decision process, in which it is possible simultaneously incorporate personal values (from experience) and logical-mathematical thought (derived of knowledge) in a single structure analysis.

This paper presents a methodology for the implementation of Hierarchical Analysis Process weighted in determining recharge areas, regional flow and its application for an aquifer system located in the Valley of Aburrá (Antioquia, Colombia).

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 Abstract: 1102  HTML (Español (España)): 251  PDF (Español (España)): 622  XML (Español (España)): 43 

Author Biographies

John Escobar, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Doctor en Ingeniería, Rector Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid.

Teresita Betancur

Doctora en Ingeniería,. E-mail:

Edwin García

Doctor en Ingeniería,. E-mail:

Cristina Martínez, Universidad de Antioquia

Magister Geotecnia, Grupo GIGA Universidad de Antioquia. E-mail:

Paola Palacio, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctora en Ingeniería, Grupo GIGA Universidad de Antioquia. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Escobar, J., Betancur, T., García, E., Martínez, C., & Palacio, P. (2017). The analytic hierarchy process applied to identification of areas groundwater recharge. Revista Politécnica, 13(24), 37–48. Retrieved from




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