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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Revista Politécnica receives papers in Spanish, Portuguese or English for their selection. The papers to be taken in consideration for publishing must be unpublished, that is, they can not have been shown before in other electronic or printed media, nor taken into consideration at the same time in other journal. All articles will be submitted to the evaluation process by academic peers.

It is of obligatory character to use the papers form established for the journal, which is a template with directions on how to include the titles, font type, figures, charts, equations, bibliography, etc. The papers must be submitted with a presentation and copyright assignment letter and the authors form. The template for these documents can be downloaded from the journal’s website:



The presentation and copyright assignment letter.

The mail author must indicate the paper type according to the classification mentioned in the paper form. For the papers classified 1, 2 or 3, the author must indicate which is the research project associated to the paper and the institution which develops the project. For the papers type 4, the author must tell in no more than 400 words, the reason why the paper is to be taken into account to be sent to peers review.

It must be suggested at least three possible peer reviewers, all must be external to the authors institution and research group, and provide their contact data: e-mail, phone and mobile. The peers must be experts in the specific topic of the article and have as minimum master degree, they can belong to a university or to the industry both public or private. This letter must be signed for each author and sent in soft copy with the other two files (the authors form and the paper)


The authors form.

It must be sent in electronic version (Word). The data written down in this form are required in the bibliographic database from Colciencias, Publindex.


The paper.

It must be sent in electronic version (Word). If the template is ignored, the paper will be disqualified and it won’t be taken into account in the call.

All the paper must use Font type Arial, size 10, except for the header. Before each title a double line space must be left and after each title, a single line space must be left before the next paragraph. The length of a paper must not exceed twenty (20) pages written in one column and single spaced. For further directions refer yourself to the template.


Bibliographical references.

its must be inserted into the body of the article, with arabic numerals in square brackets [1], consecutively, to the extent that they will be mentioned.


In the list, are arranged consecutively in the order of citation (not in alphabetical order). References that are not cited in the article should be not included. Also, should be not cited working papers under review, which have not been published. Below are examples of different types of references:


Journal Papers:

[Nº] Alien, J.S., Samuelson, R. y Newberger, A. Chaos in a Model Of forced Quasi-Geostrophic Flow over Topography: An application of Melinkov’s Method, J. Fluid Mech., 226, 511-547, 1991.



[Nº] Baker, G. L. y Golub, J., Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.


Book chapters:

[Nº] Lewis, P., Ray, B. y Stevens, J.G. Modeling Time Series by Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS). En: Time Series Prediction: Forecasting the Future and Understanding the Past (Eds. A.S. Weigend y N. A. Gershenfeid), SFI studies in the Science of Complexity, Proc. Vol XV, Addison-Wesley, reading 297-318, 1994.


Conference proccedings:

[Nº] Alzate, N., Botero, T. y Correa, D. Título de la ponencia. Memorias, XIX Congreso Latinoamericano de Ponencias Científicas. Córdoba, Argentina, Tomo II, 219-228, octubre 2008.



[Nº] Garzón, J.C. Más allá de las decisiones económicas. Documento presentado en la II Jornada de Análisis Económico, La Habana, Cuba, marzo de 2000.


Report of an organism or Government:

[Nº] U.S. EPA. Status of Pesticides in Registration: an Special Review. EPA 738-R-94-008. Washington, DC:US. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994.



[Nº] Jacobs, J. Regulation of Life History Strategies Within Individuals in Predictable and Unpredictable Environments [PhD Thesis]. Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 1996.


Internet references:

[Nº] NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center Advancing Understanding and Prediction of Climate Variability. Disponible en: [consultado el 8 de agosto de 2008].



[Nº] Zambrano G., Esteve J., Prieto P., Installation for depositing diamond-like carbon films and the corresponding in situ method using hard coatings of metal / metal carbide as the intermediate layer for improving adhesion between film and substrate 2002, Spain Patent No. P 200102020, Installation for deposition of films, January 15, 2001 (deposit).



Review Process.


The process of selection of papers involved in the call consists of several phases: first, there is an initial review by the Editorial Board, to determine whether the work complies with the terms of reference, there are deficiencies in their structure, composition or other observations presented in this document. Papers that do not fulfill the requirements will not be taken into account to continue the process and will be discarded in the initial review. In the second phase, the papers are evaluated under the double blind method, its content is analyzed by two foreign or national academic peers, specialized in the corresponding area of the article. The process is anonymous between reviewers and authors and lasts between 1 and 2 months.


Reviewers may recommend to the editorial board one of the next options:


a. Accept the article for publication without modification.

b. Accept the article for publication after slight modifications verifiable by the editorial committee or by the reviewer. Comments and suggestions should give clear instructions to the author to make changes.

c. Return the paper to authors for major changes and re-evaluate. Comments and suggestions should give clear instructions to the author to make changes.

d. Not accepting the article for publication


The process is performed through the OJS platform (Open Journal Systems)


When the editorial board has the two assessments, analyzes the recommendations and send a communication to the author of correspondence with the decision about the article and assessments made by peers. When the recommendations of the evaluators are similar, the editorial board makes the decision to accept, send back or reject the paper. In case of dispute, for example, when the recommendations are not similar, the editorial committee requests the concept of a third reviewer, and determine according to the three recommendations whether to accept, return or reject the paper. Returned papers only have a second chance to be assessed. In all cases anonymous comments from reviewers, are sent to the authors with the correction recommendations.

The authors have up to four weeks to make corrections and return the paper along with a letter describing the corrections made in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. Upon receipt of corrections, the editorial committee sends back to the reviewers for their final concept, then the editorial board makes a decision about publishing the article and the author is notified by a communication.

As copyright, you can request a copy by sending an article for the group of authors within the first 30 days of publishing, it can also be downloaded from the website.

The journal “Revista Politécnica” makes a permanent call for receipt of articles. However there are two deadlines to proceed with the publication: 1st March for the journal to be published in the first semester and 1st September in the second half of each year.


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The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.